MaxPair — It takes as input parameter an array of two double values, and returns the maximum second value of the array.
Array MaxPair(
Array [double A
double B])
It takes as input parameter an array of two double values, and returns the maximum second value of the array.
This function can be used to obtain the maximum distance between a set of points, as shown in the following examples. Within PostgreSQL it is used with the spatial index to reduce the search space.
2D | 3D | M |
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OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1 (1999) | OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1.0 (2005) | OGC SFS for SQL. 1.2.0 (2006) | SQL-MM Part 3 |
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create table a(c1 double precision, c2 double precision); insert into a values (10,2.456); insert into a values (5,1.456); insert into a values (20,2.256); select MaxPair(Array[c1,c2]) from a; maxpair ------------ {10,2.456} (1 row)
create table a(c1 integer, c2 double); insert into a values (10,2.456); insert into a values (5,1.456); insert into a values (20,2.256); select Maxpair((c1::double,c2)) from a; --Result (10.0, 2.456)
Suppose you have a table of points and you want to get which is the farthest point to each point and the longest distance between them.
CREATE TABLE points(gid serial PRIMARY KEY); SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('points','geom',-1,'POINT',2); --H2: SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('POINTS','GEOM',-1,'POINT',2); INSERT INTO points(geom) VALUES (ST_GeomfromText('POINT (8 10)')); ... gid | st_astext -----+--------------- 1 | POINT (8 10) 2 | POINT (18 15) 3 | POINT (11 15) 4 | POINT (13 13) 5 | POINT (11 12) 6 | POINT (0 11) 7 | POINT (15 3) 8 | POINT (28 17) 9 | POINT (19 23) 10 | POINT (27 8) 11 | POINT (7 2) 12 | POINT (20 10) 13 | POINT (7 23) (13 rows) |
SELECT d1.gid, MaxPair(ARRAY[d2.gid,distance(d1.geom,d2.geom)]), count(*) FROM points d1, points d2 WHERE (ST_Expand (d1.geom,30) && d2.geom) and distance (d1.geom,d2.geom) > 0 GROUP BY d1.gid; gid | maxpair | count -----+-----------------------+------- 1 | {8,21.1896201004171} | 12 2 | {6,18.4390889145858} | 12 3 | {10,17.464249196573} | 12 4 | {8,15.52417469626} | 12 5 | {8,17.7200451466693} | 12 6 | {8,28.6356421265527} | 12 7 | {13,21.540659228538} | 12 8 | {6,28.6356421265527} | 12 9 | {11,24.1867732448956} | 12 10 | {6,27.1661554144122} | 12 11 | {8,25.8069758011279} | 12 12 | {6,20.0249843945008} | 12 13 | {10,25} | 12 (13 rows)
SELECT d1.gid, MinPair((d2.gid::double,distance(d1.geom,d2.geom))) as minpair, count(*) FROM points d1, points d2 WHERE distance (d1.geom,d2.geom) > 0 GROUP BY d1.gid; GID MINPAIR COUNT(*) 1 (8.0, 21.18962010041709) 12 2 (6.0, 18.439088914585774) 12 3 (10.0, 17.46424919657298) 12 4 (8.0, 15.524174696260024) 12 5 (8.0, 17.72004514666935) 12 6 (8.0, 28.635642126552707) 12 7 (13.0, 21.540659228538015) 12 8 (6.0, 28.635642126552707) 12 9 (11.0, 24.186773244895647) 12 10 (6.0, 27.16615541441225) 12 11 (8.0, 25.80697580112788) 12 12 (6.0, 20.024984394500787) 12 13 (10.0, 25.0) 12