- 1. Management Functions
- AddGeometryColumn — Adds a spatial column to an existing feature
- DropGeometryColumn — Drops a spatial column from an existing feature
- DropGeometryTable — Drops a spatial table and its references in the metadata
table geometry_columns.
- UpdateGeometrySRID — Updates the SRID of the geometries in a particular geometry
column. It also updates the geometry_columns metadata table and the srid
table constraint.
- Jaspa_Version — Returns Jaspa version number and phase of the release life
- Jaspa_Full_Version — Returns the version of Jaspa and its libraries.
- Jaspa_Java_Properties — Returns information about the OS and the JVM
- Jaspa_Build_Date — Returns Jaspa version and build date.
- Probe_Geometry_Columns — Explores all tables with Jaspa geometry constraints and adds
them to the metadata table GEOMETRY_COLUMNS if they are not already
- 2. Geometry Constructors
- ST_BdPolyFromText — Construct a Polygon given an arbitrary collection of closed
linestrings as a MultiLineString text representation.
- ST_BdMPolyFromText — Return a specified ST_MultiPolygon value.
- ST_GeomCollFromText — Return a specified Geometry Collection object.
- ST_GeomFromEWKB — Return a specified Geometry from a Extended Well-Known
Binary representation (EWKB)
- ST_GeomFromEWKT — Return a specified Geometry from a Extended Well-Known Text
representation (EWKT)
- ST_GeomFromText — Return a geometric object given its Well-known text
- ST_GeomFromWKB — Construct a geometric object given its Well-known Binary
- ST_LineFromMultiPoint — Creates a LineString from a Multipoint.
- ST_LineFromText — Returns a LineString object given its Well-known text
- ST_LineFromWKB — Returns a LineString object given its Well-known text
- ST_MakeBox2D — Creates a Box2d defined by the lower left point and the
upper right point.
- ST_MakeBox3D — Creates a Box3d defined by the lower left point and the
upper right point.
- ST_MakeLine — Creates a LineString from a number of points.
- ST_MakePolygon — Creates a Polygon from a number of LineStrings.
- ST_MakePoint — Creates a Point given its coordinates.
- ST_MakePointM — Creates a Point given its x,y,m coordinates.
- ST_MLineFromText — Constructs a MultiLineString object given its Well-known
text Representation
- ST_MPointFromText — Constructs a MultiPoint object given its Well-known text
- ST_MPolyFromText — Constructs a MultiPolygon object given its Well-known text
- ST_Point — Creates a Point given its coordinates. This is an Alias from
- ST_PointFromText — Constructs a MultiPoint object given its Well-known text
- ST_PointFromWKB — Returns a Point object given its Well-known text
- ST_Polygon — Creates a Polygon from a closed LineString and
- ST_PolyFromText — Constructs a Polygon object given its Well-known text
- ST_WKBToSQL — Return a geometric object given its Well-known binary
Representation. This is an alias for ST_GeomFromWKB.
- ST_WKTToSQL — Return a geometric object given its Well-known text
Representation. This is an alias for ST_GeomFromText.
- ST_PolyFromWKB — Returns a LineString object given its Well-known text
- ST_MPointFromWKB — Returns a MultiPoint object given its Well-known binary
- ST_MLineFromWKB — Returns a MultiLineString object given its Well-known binary
- ST_MPolyFromWKB — Returns a MultiPolygon object given its Well-known binary
- ST_GeomCollFromWKB — Returns a GeometryCollection object given its Well-known
binary Representation
- ST_GeomFromGML — Construct a geometric object given its GML
- ST_GeomFromKML — Constructs a geometric object given its KML
- ST_MakeGeomColl — Constructs a GeometryCollection object from a set of
- 3. Geometry Accessors
- GeometryType — Returns the name of the instantiable subtype of Geometry of
which this geometric object is a member, as a string
- ST_Boundary — Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of a
- ST_CoordDim — Returns the coordinate dimension of the
- ST_Dimension — Returns the dimension of the geometric object, which is less
than or equal to the dimension of the coordinate space.
- ST_EndPoint — Returns a Point containing the last Point of a
- ST_Envelope — Returns a geometry object representing the minimum bounding
box for the supplied Geometry.
- ST_ExteriorRing — Returns the exteriorRing of a Polygon
- ST_GeometryN — Returns the Nth geometry object in a
- ST_GeometryType — Returns the name of the instantiable subtype of Geometry of
which the input geometric object is a member, as a string
- ST_InteriorRingN — —Returns the Nth interior ring for a Polygon as a
- ST_IsClosed — Tests if a LineString is closed.
- ST_IsEmpty — Tests if a Geometry corresponds to the empty
- ST_IsRing — Tests if a LineString is a ring
- ST_IsSimple — Tests if a Geometry has no anomalous geometric points, such
as self intersection or self tangency.
- ST_IsValid — Tests if a Geometry is well formed.
- ST_IsValidReason — Returns the reason why a geometry is not valid.
- ST_M — Returns the M coordinate of a Point
- ST_NRings — Returns the number of rings of a Polygon or a
- ST_NumGeometries — Returns the number of geometries in a
- ST_NumInteriorRing — Returns the number of interior rings in a Polygon or a
- ST_NumPoints — Returns the number of Points in a LineString
- ST_PointN — Returns the specified point N in a Linestring.
- ST_SRID — Returns the Spatial Reference System ID for a geometric
- ST_StartPoint — Returns the start point of a LineString.
- ST_Summary — Returns a summary of a Geometry object
- ST_X — Returns the x coordinate of a point
- ST_Y — Returns the y coordinate of a point
- ST_Z — Returns the z coordinate of a point
- ST_ZmFlag — Returns a code that represents the number of coordinated
dimensions of a Geometry.
- ST_Last — Returns the last geometry of a set of
- ST_RepeatedPoints — Checks if a geometry has repeated vertices. If any, returns
a MultiPoint geometry composed by the points that are
- 4. Geometry Editors
- ST_AddPoint — Adds a Point to a LineString before point N.
- ST_Affine — Applies a 2D or 3D affine transformacion to a geometry. That
means a rotation, scale and translate in a single step.
- ST_CollectionExtract — Extracts a particular type of geometry from a collection and
converts them to MULTI*. The values for the type of geometry are
1=Point, 2=Line, 3=Polygon.
- ST_Extract — Extracts a particular type of geometry from a collection and
converts them to MULTI*. The values for the type of geometry are
0=Point, 1=Line, 2=Polygon.
- ST_Force_2D — Forces the incoming geometry to be 2D, so it will only have
X,Y coordinates.
- ST_Force_3D — Forces the incoming geometry to be 3D, so it will have X,Y,Z
- ST_Force_3DM — Forces the incoming geometry to be 3D, with X,Y and M
- ST_Force_4D — Forces the incoming geometries to be XYZM
- ST_Force_Collection — Forces the geometry to be a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION.
- ST_ForceRHR — Forces the exterior ring's vertices of a Polygon to follow
right hand orientation.
- ST_LineMerge — Returns a LineString as a result of merging a
- ST_Multi — Forces a geometry to be MULTI* type. Geometries already
Multi, remain unchanged.
- ST_RemovePoint — Removes N th Point from a LineString. N index starts at
- ST_Reverse — Returns the geometry with the vertex order
- ST_RotateX — Rotates a geometry, an Angle (in radians), around the X
- ST_RotateY — Rotates a geometry, an Angle (in radians), around the Y
- ST_RotateZ — Rotates a geometry, an Angle (in radians), around the Z
- ST_Scale — Scales the geometry to a new size by multiplying the
coordinates by the factor of scale of the axis.
- ST_Segmentize — Splits a segment of a geometry if it is shorter than a given
maximum Length. The distance is computed only in 2D.
- ST_SetPoint — Replaces the Nth Point of a Geometry for a new Point. N
index starts at 0.
- ST_SetSRID — Sets the Spatial Reference ID for a geometry,
- ST_SnapToGrid — Snaps a geometry to a grid defined by its cell size and
- ST_Transform — Returns a Geometry transformed to the specified spatial
reference system.
- ST_Translate — Translates a geometry a certain offset along the axis
- ST_TransScale — Translates a geometry, and then scales it.
- ST_NodeLine — Returns a Line split at self intersection points, by adding
nodes there.
- ST_CleanPolygon — Cleans polygons o multipolygons to be topologically
corrects. So, enforces them to be valid geometries.
- ST_Snap — Snaps the vertices and segments of a Geometry to another
Geometry's vertices. A snapping distance tolerance is used to control
where snapping is performed.
- 5. Geometry Outputs
- ST_AsBinary — Returns the well-known binary (WKB) representation of a
Geometry object.
- ST_AsEWKB — Returns the Extended Well-Known Binary (EWKB) representation
of a Geometry object.
- ST_AsEWKT — Returns the Extended Well-Known Text representation (EWKT)
from a geometry object.
- ST_AsHEXEWKB — Returns the Extended Well-Known Binary (EWKB)
representation, in hexadecimal, of a Geometry object.
- ST_AsGML — Returns the Geography Markup Language (GML) representation
of a Geometry object.
- ST_AsKML — Returns the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) representation of
a Geometry object.
- ST_AsText — Returns the Well-known Text Representation of a geometric
- 6. Spatial Relationships and Measurements
- ST_Area — Returns the area of a Polygon or a
- ST_Azimuth — Returns the azimuth between two points.
- ST_Centroid — Returns a point, which is the centroid (geometric center) of
a geometry, which may lie outside the geometry
- ST_Contains — Tests if a Geometry A spatially contains another Geometry
- ST_ContainsProperly — Tests if a Geometry A spatially contains properly another
Geometry B.
- ST_Covers — Tests if a Geometry A spatially covers another Geometry
- ST_CoveredBy — Tests if a Geometry A is covered by Geometry B.
- ST_Crosses — Tests if a Geometry A crosses a Geometry B, returns True if
- ST_Disjoint — Tests if a Geometry is spatially disjoint from another
- ST_Distance — Returns the shortest distance between two
- ST_HausdorffDistance — Returns an approximation to the Hausdorff distance between
two geometries. It offers a measure of dissimilarity between the
- ST_Distance_Sphere — Returns distance between 2 lat/long points. It is the
great-circle distance, also known as or orthodromic, which is the
shortest distance between any two points on the surface of a sphere
measured along a path on the surface of the sphere
- ST_Distance_Spheroid — Returns the shortest distance between 2 lat/long points,
using a particular spheroid
- ST_DWithin — Tests if two geometries are within a specified distance.
Returns True if so, otherwise returns False.
- ST_Equals — Tests if a Geometry is spatially equal to another Geometry,
returns True if so.
- ST_Intersects — Tests if a Geometry spatially intersects another
- ST_Length — Returns the 2-dimensional length of a Geometry.
- ST_Length3D — Returns the 3-dimensional length of a Geometry.
- ST_Length_Spheroid — Calculates the 2D or 3D length of a Line represented by its
latitude/longitude coordinates.
- ST_Length2D_Spheroid — Calculates the 2D length of a Line represented by its
latitude/longitude coordinates.
- ST_Length3D_Spheroid — Calculates the 3D length of a Line represented by its
latitude/longitude coordinates.
- ST_OrderingEquals — Tests if two Geometries are equal, and the coordinates are
in the same order.
- ST_Overlaps — Tests if a Geometry spatially overlaps another
- ST_Perimeter — Returns the length measurement of the boundary of a Polygon
or a MultiPolygon.
- ST_PointOnSurface — Returns a Point guaranteed to lie on the
- ST_Relate — 1st Version tests if a Geometry is
spatially related to another Geometry as specified by a intersection
pattern matrix. 2nd Version returns the DE-9IM
(Dimensionally Extended 9 Intersection Model) for two
- ST_Touches — Tests if a Geometry spatially touches another
- ST_Within — Tests if a Geometry is spatially within another
- ST_MultiCentroid — Returns a centroid for each part of a complex
- ST_PointOnBoundary — Returns a Point guaranteed to lie on the geometry's
- 7. Geometry Processing Functions
- ST_Buffer — Returns a geometry that represents all points whose distance
from this Geometry is less than or equal to distance. Calculations are
in the Spatial Reference System of that Geometry.
- ST_BuildArea — Creates a surface geometry from the lines of the input
- ST_Collect — Returns a geometry from the collection of others
- ST_ConvexHull — Returns a geometry that represents the convex hull of the
given Geometry.
- ST_Difference — Returns a geometry that represents the point set difference
of a Geometry with another Geometry.
- ST_Dump — Splits Multi-geometries and GeometryCollections into a set
of single geometries.
- ST_DumpPoints — Returns the set of points that compose a
- ST_DumpRings — Returns a set of geometry rows, representing the exterior
and interior rings of a Polygon or a MultiPolygon.
- ST_Intersection — Returns a 2D geometric object that represents the
intersection of two geometric objects.
- ST_MemUnion — Same as ST_Union (aggregate) but memory-friendly (uses less
memory and more processor time).
- ST_MinimumBoundingCircle — Returns the minimum circle polygon that can fully contain a
- ST_Polygonize — Creates a GeometryCollection made up of Polygons from a set
of Geometries which contain lines that represents the Polygons
- ST_Shift_Longitude — Converts geometry longitude values from range [-180,180] to
the range [0-360]
- ST_Simplify — Simplifies a Geometry using the standard Douglas-Peucker
- ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology — Simplifies a geometry, ensuring that the result is a valid
geometry having the same dimension and number of components as the
incoming geometries.
- ST_SymDifference — Returns a Geometry object that represents the point set
symmetric difference of two Geometry objects.
- ST_Union — Returns a Geometry object that represents the point set
union of two Geometries.
- ST_DelaunayTriangles — Returns polygons that represent Delaunay Trianglulations
from collections of points.
- ST_SelfIntersection — Returns the points where a Line intersects
- 8. Linear Referencing
- ST_Line_Interpolate_Point — Returns the Coordinates for the point on the line at the
given fraction. This fraction, is applied to the line's total
- ST_Line_Locate_Point — Computes de fraction of a Line from the closest point on the
line to the given point.
- ST_Line_Substring — Returns a LineString being a portion of the input one. It
will start and end at the given fractions of the total 2D
- ST_Locate_Along_Measure — Extracts Points from a Geometry object that have the
specified m coordinate value.
- ST_Locate_Between_Measures — Returns a derived geometry whose measures are in the
specified M range.
- ST_Locate_Along_Elevation — Extracts Points from a Geometry object that have the
specified z coordinate value.
- ST_Locate_Between_Elevations — Returns a derived geometry whose elevation are in the
specified Z range.
- ST_Project_Point — Finds the closest point from a Line to a given
- 9. Miscellaneous Functions
- ST_Accum — Constructs an array of geometries from a set of
- ST_Box2D — Returns a Polygon geometry representation of the
two-dimensional bounding box.
- ST_Box3D — Returns a Polygon geometry representation of the
three-dimensional bounding box
- ST_Expand — Expands the Polygon that represents the Bounding Box in all
- ST_Extent — Returns the minimum bounding box of the specified
geometries, that is, a single rectangle that minimally encloses the
- ST_Extent3D — Returns the minimum bounding box of the specified
- Find_SRID — Returns the SRID of the specified geometry column by
searching through the metadata GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table.
- ST_Mem_Size — Returns the amount of space (in bytes) the geometry
- ST_Point_Inside_Circle — Tests if a point is inside a circle defined by its center
coordinates and radius.
- ST_XMax — Returns the maximum X of the geometry bounding
- ST_XMin — Returns the minimum X of the geometry bounding
- ST_YMax — Returns the maximum Y of the geometry bounding
- ST_YMin — Returns the minimum Y of the geometry bounding
- ST_ZMax — Returns the maximum Z of the geometry bounding
- ST_ZMin — Returns the minimum Z of the geometry bounding
- ST_Box — Returns a Polygon geometry representation of the 2D or 3D
bounding box
- ST_AsWKTSRS — Returns the Well-known Text representation of the Spatial
Reference System.
- MinPair — It takes as input parameter an array of two double values,
and returns the minimum second value of the array.
- MaxPair — It takes as input parameter an array of two double values,
and returns the maximum second value of the array.
- AddGeometryColumn — Adds a spatial column to an existing feature
- DropGeometryColumn — Drops a spatial column from an existing feature
- DropGeometryTable — Drops a spatial table and its references in the metadata
table geometry_columns.
- UpdateGeometrySRID — Updates the SRID of the geometries in a particular geometry
column. It also updates the geometry_columns metadata table and the srid
table constraint.
- Jaspa_Version — Returns Jaspa version number and phase of the release life
- Jaspa_Full_Version — Returns the version of Jaspa and its libraries.
- Jaspa_Java_Properties — Returns information about the OS and the JVM
- Jaspa_Build_Date — Returns Jaspa version and build date.
- Probe_Geometry_Columns — Explores all tables with Jaspa geometry constraints and adds
them to the metadata table GEOMETRY_COLUMNS if they are not already
- ST_BdPolyFromText — Construct a Polygon given an arbitrary collection of closed
linestrings as a MultiLineString text representation.
- ST_BdMPolyFromText — Return a specified ST_MultiPolygon value.
- ST_GeomCollFromText — Return a specified Geometry Collection object.
- ST_GeomFromEWKB — Return a specified Geometry from a Extended Well-Known
Binary representation (EWKB)
- ST_GeomFromEWKT — Return a specified Geometry from a Extended Well-Known Text
representation (EWKT)
- ST_GeomFromText — Return a geometric object given its Well-known text
- ST_GeomFromWKB — Construct a geometric object given its Well-known Binary
- ST_LineFromMultiPoint — Creates a LineString from a Multipoint.
- ST_LineFromText — Returns a LineString object given its Well-known text
- ST_LineFromWKB — Returns a LineString object given its Well-known text
- ST_MakeBox2D — Creates a Box2d defined by the lower left point and the
upper right point.
- ST_MakeBox3D — Creates a Box3d defined by the lower left point and the
upper right point.
- ST_MakeLine — Creates a LineString from a number of points.
- ST_MakePolygon — Creates a Polygon from a number of LineStrings.
- ST_MakePoint — Creates a Point given its coordinates.
- ST_MakePointM — Creates a Point given its x,y,m coordinates.
- ST_MLineFromText — Constructs a MultiLineString object given its Well-known
text Representation
- ST_MPointFromText — Constructs a MultiPoint object given its Well-known text
- ST_MPolyFromText — Constructs a MultiPolygon object given its Well-known text
- ST_Point — Creates a Point given its coordinates. This is an Alias from
- ST_PointFromText — Constructs a MultiPoint object given its Well-known text
- ST_PointFromWKB — Returns a Point object given its Well-known text
- ST_Polygon — Creates a Polygon from a closed LineString and
- ST_PolyFromText — Constructs a Polygon object given its Well-known text
- ST_WKBToSQL — Return a geometric object given its Well-known binary
Representation. This is an alias for ST_GeomFromWKB.
- ST_WKTToSQL — Return a geometric object given its Well-known text
Representation. This is an alias for ST_GeomFromText.
- ST_PolyFromWKB — Returns a LineString object given its Well-known text
- ST_MPointFromWKB — Returns a MultiPoint object given its Well-known binary
- ST_MLineFromWKB — Returns a MultiLineString object given its Well-known binary
- ST_MPolyFromWKB — Returns a MultiPolygon object given its Well-known binary
- ST_GeomCollFromWKB — Returns a GeometryCollection object given its Well-known
binary Representation
- ST_GeomFromGML — Construct a geometric object given its GML
- ST_GeomFromKML — Constructs a geometric object given its KML
- ST_MakeGeomColl — Constructs a GeometryCollection object from a set of
- GeometryType — Returns the name of the instantiable subtype of Geometry of
which this geometric object is a member, as a string
- ST_Boundary — Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of a
- ST_CoordDim — Returns the coordinate dimension of the
- ST_Dimension — Returns the dimension of the geometric object, which is less
than or equal to the dimension of the coordinate space.
- ST_EndPoint — Returns a Point containing the last Point of a
- ST_Envelope — Returns a geometry object representing the minimum bounding
box for the supplied Geometry.
- ST_ExteriorRing — Returns the exteriorRing of a Polygon
- ST_GeometryN — Returns the Nth geometry object in a
- ST_GeometryType — Returns the name of the instantiable subtype of Geometry of
which the input geometric object is a member, as a string
- ST_InteriorRingN — —Returns the Nth interior ring for a Polygon as a
- ST_IsClosed — Tests if a LineString is closed.
- ST_IsEmpty — Tests if a Geometry corresponds to the empty
- ST_IsRing — Tests if a LineString is a ring
- ST_IsSimple — Tests if a Geometry has no anomalous geometric points, such
as self intersection or self tangency.
- ST_IsValid — Tests if a Geometry is well formed.
- ST_IsValidReason — Returns the reason why a geometry is not valid.
- ST_M — Returns the M coordinate of a Point
- ST_NRings — Returns the number of rings of a Polygon or a
- ST_NumGeometries — Returns the number of geometries in a
- ST_NumInteriorRing — Returns the number of interior rings in a Polygon or a
- ST_NumPoints — Returns the number of Points in a LineString
- ST_PointN — Returns the specified point N in a Linestring.
- ST_SRID — Returns the Spatial Reference System ID for a geometric
- ST_StartPoint — Returns the start point of a LineString.
- ST_Summary — Returns a summary of a Geometry object
- ST_X — Returns the x coordinate of a point
- ST_Y — Returns the y coordinate of a point
- ST_Z — Returns the z coordinate of a point
- ST_ZmFlag — Returns a code that represents the number of coordinated
dimensions of a Geometry.
- ST_Last — Returns the last geometry of a set of
- ST_RepeatedPoints — Checks if a geometry has repeated vertices. If any, returns
a MultiPoint geometry composed by the points that are
- ST_AddPoint — Adds a Point to a LineString before point N.
- ST_Affine — Applies a 2D or 3D affine transformacion to a geometry. That
means a rotation, scale and translate in a single step.
- ST_CollectionExtract — Extracts a particular type of geometry from a collection and
converts them to MULTI*. The values for the type of geometry are
1=Point, 2=Line, 3=Polygon.
- ST_Extract — Extracts a particular type of geometry from a collection and
converts them to MULTI*. The values for the type of geometry are
0=Point, 1=Line, 2=Polygon.
- ST_Force_2D — Forces the incoming geometry to be 2D, so it will only have
X,Y coordinates.
- ST_Force_3D — Forces the incoming geometry to be 3D, so it will have X,Y,Z
- ST_Force_3DM — Forces the incoming geometry to be 3D, with X,Y and M
- ST_Force_4D — Forces the incoming geometries to be XYZM
- ST_Force_Collection — Forces the geometry to be a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION.
- ST_ForceRHR — Forces the exterior ring's vertices of a Polygon to follow
right hand orientation.
- ST_LineMerge — Returns a LineString as a result of merging a
- ST_Multi — Forces a geometry to be MULTI* type. Geometries already
Multi, remain unchanged.
- ST_RemovePoint — Removes N th Point from a LineString. N index starts at
- ST_Reverse — Returns the geometry with the vertex order
- ST_RotateX — Rotates a geometry, an Angle (in radians), around the X
- ST_RotateY — Rotates a geometry, an Angle (in radians), around the Y
- ST_RotateZ — Rotates a geometry, an Angle (in radians), around the Z
- ST_Scale — Scales the geometry to a new size by multiplying the
coordinates by the factor of scale of the axis.
- ST_Segmentize — Splits a segment of a geometry if it is shorter than a given
maximum Length. The distance is computed only in 2D.
- ST_SetPoint — Replaces the Nth Point of a Geometry for a new Point. N
index starts at 0.
- ST_SetSRID — Sets the Spatial Reference ID for a geometry,
- ST_SnapToGrid — Snaps a geometry to a grid defined by its cell size and
- ST_Transform — Returns a Geometry transformed to the specified spatial
reference system.
- ST_Translate — Translates a geometry a certain offset along the axis
- ST_TransScale — Translates a geometry, and then scales it.
- ST_NodeLine — Returns a Line split at self intersection points, by adding
nodes there.
- ST_CleanPolygon — Cleans polygons o multipolygons to be topologically
corrects. So, enforces them to be valid geometries.
- ST_Snap — Snaps the vertices and segments of a Geometry to another
Geometry's vertices. A snapping distance tolerance is used to control
where snapping is performed.
- ST_AsBinary — Returns the well-known binary (WKB) representation of a
Geometry object.
- ST_AsEWKB — Returns the Extended Well-Known Binary (EWKB) representation
of a Geometry object.
- ST_AsEWKT — Returns the Extended Well-Known Text representation (EWKT)
from a geometry object.
- ST_AsHEXEWKB — Returns the Extended Well-Known Binary (EWKB)
representation, in hexadecimal, of a Geometry object.
- ST_AsGML — Returns the Geography Markup Language (GML) representation
of a Geometry object.
- ST_AsKML — Returns the Keyhole Markup Language (KML) representation of
a Geometry object.
- ST_AsText — Returns the Well-known Text Representation of a geometric
6. Spatial Relationships and Measurements
- ST_Area — Returns the area of a Polygon or a
- ST_Azimuth — Returns the azimuth between two points.
- ST_Centroid — Returns a point, which is the centroid (geometric center) of
a geometry, which may lie outside the geometry
- ST_Contains — Tests if a Geometry A spatially contains another Geometry
- ST_ContainsProperly — Tests if a Geometry A spatially contains properly another
Geometry B.
- ST_Covers — Tests if a Geometry A spatially covers another Geometry
- ST_CoveredBy — Tests if a Geometry A is covered by Geometry B.
- ST_Crosses — Tests if a Geometry A crosses a Geometry B, returns True if
- ST_Disjoint — Tests if a Geometry is spatially disjoint from another
- ST_Distance — Returns the shortest distance between two
- ST_HausdorffDistance — Returns an approximation to the Hausdorff distance between
two geometries. It offers a measure of dissimilarity between the
- ST_Distance_Sphere — Returns distance between 2 lat/long points. It is the
great-circle distance, also known as or orthodromic, which is the
shortest distance between any two points on the surface of a sphere
measured along a path on the surface of the sphere
- ST_Distance_Spheroid — Returns the shortest distance between 2 lat/long points,
using a particular spheroid
- ST_DWithin — Tests if two geometries are within a specified distance.
Returns True if so, otherwise returns False.
- ST_Equals — Tests if a Geometry is spatially equal to another Geometry,
returns True if so.
- ST_Intersects — Tests if a Geometry spatially intersects another
- ST_Length — Returns the 2-dimensional length of a Geometry.
- ST_Length3D — Returns the 3-dimensional length of a Geometry.
- ST_Length_Spheroid — Calculates the 2D or 3D length of a Line represented by its
latitude/longitude coordinates.
- ST_Length2D_Spheroid — Calculates the 2D length of a Line represented by its
latitude/longitude coordinates.
- ST_Length3D_Spheroid — Calculates the 3D length of a Line represented by its
latitude/longitude coordinates.
- ST_OrderingEquals — Tests if two Geometries are equal, and the coordinates are
in the same order.
- ST_Overlaps — Tests if a Geometry spatially overlaps another
- ST_Perimeter — Returns the length measurement of the boundary of a Polygon
or a MultiPolygon.
- ST_PointOnSurface — Returns a Point guaranteed to lie on the
- ST_Relate — 1st Version tests if a Geometry is
spatially related to another Geometry as specified by a intersection
pattern matrix. 2nd Version returns the DE-9IM
(Dimensionally Extended 9 Intersection Model) for two
- ST_Touches — Tests if a Geometry spatially touches another
- ST_Within — Tests if a Geometry is spatially within another
- ST_MultiCentroid — Returns a centroid for each part of a complex
- ST_PointOnBoundary — Returns a Point guaranteed to lie on the geometry's
7. Geometry Processing Functions
- ST_Buffer — Returns a geometry that represents all points whose distance
from this Geometry is less than or equal to distance. Calculations are
in the Spatial Reference System of that Geometry.
- ST_BuildArea — Creates a surface geometry from the lines of the input
- ST_Collect — Returns a geometry from the collection of others
- ST_ConvexHull — Returns a geometry that represents the convex hull of the
given Geometry.
- ST_Difference — Returns a geometry that represents the point set difference
of a Geometry with another Geometry.
- ST_Dump — Splits Multi-geometries and GeometryCollections into a set
of single geometries.
- ST_DumpPoints — Returns the set of points that compose a
- ST_DumpRings — Returns a set of geometry rows, representing the exterior
and interior rings of a Polygon or a MultiPolygon.
- ST_Intersection — Returns a 2D geometric object that represents the
intersection of two geometric objects.
- ST_MemUnion — Same as ST_Union (aggregate) but memory-friendly (uses less
memory and more processor time).
- ST_MinimumBoundingCircle — Returns the minimum circle polygon that can fully contain a
- ST_Polygonize — Creates a GeometryCollection made up of Polygons from a set
of Geometries which contain lines that represents the Polygons
- ST_Shift_Longitude — Converts geometry longitude values from range [-180,180] to
the range [0-360]
- ST_Simplify — Simplifies a Geometry using the standard Douglas-Peucker
- ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology — Simplifies a geometry, ensuring that the result is a valid
geometry having the same dimension and number of components as the
incoming geometries.
- ST_SymDifference — Returns a Geometry object that represents the point set
symmetric difference of two Geometry objects.
- ST_Union — Returns a Geometry object that represents the point set
union of two Geometries.
- ST_DelaunayTriangles — Returns polygons that represent Delaunay Trianglulations
from collections of points.
- ST_SelfIntersection — Returns the points where a Line intersects
9. Miscellaneous Functions
- ST_Accum — Constructs an array of geometries from a set of
- ST_Box2D — Returns a Polygon geometry representation of the
two-dimensional bounding box.
- ST_Box3D — Returns a Polygon geometry representation of the
three-dimensional bounding box
- ST_Expand — Expands the Polygon that represents the Bounding Box in all
- ST_Extent — Returns the minimum bounding box of the specified
geometries, that is, a single rectangle that minimally encloses the
- ST_Extent3D — Returns the minimum bounding box of the specified
- Find_SRID — Returns the SRID of the specified geometry column by
searching through the metadata GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table.
- ST_Mem_Size — Returns the amount of space (in bytes) the geometry
- ST_Point_Inside_Circle — Tests if a point is inside a circle defined by its center
coordinates and radius.
- ST_XMax — Returns the maximum X of the geometry bounding
- ST_XMin — Returns the minimum X of the geometry bounding
- ST_YMax — Returns the maximum Y of the geometry bounding
- ST_YMin — Returns the minimum Y of the geometry bounding
- ST_ZMax — Returns the maximum Z of the geometry bounding
- ST_ZMin — Returns the minimum Z of the geometry bounding
- ST_Box — Returns a Polygon geometry representation of the 2D or 3D
bounding box
- ST_AsWKTSRS — Returns the Well-known Text representation of the Spatial
Reference System.
- MinPair — It takes as input parameter an array of two double values,
and returns the minimum second value of the array.
- MaxPair — It takes as input parameter an array of two double values,
and returns the maximum second value of the array.