ST_DumpPoints — Returns the set of points that compose a Geometry.
geometry[] ST_DumpPoints(
Returns the set of points that compose a Geometry. It includes points, lines vertices and polygons vertices.
GeometryCollections are supported. |
JASPA ST_DumpPoints function returns just an array of geometries. PostGIS ST_DumpPoints function creates an array of geometries with an array of integers (path). |
2D | 3D | M |
OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1 (1999) | OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1.0 (2005) | OGC SFS for SQL. 1.2.0 (2006) | SQL-MM Part 3 |
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SELECT ST_AsText(g) FROM (SELECT ST_DumpPoints( st_geomfromtext('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (2 2), POINT(5 3), POINT (6 5),POLYGON ((3 4, 3.2 6, 2.8 7.4, 5.1 7.1, 4.4 4.5, 3 4)))') ) as g) as foo; st_astext ----------------- POINT (2 2) POINT (5 3) POINT (6 5) POINT (3 4) POINT (3.2 6) POINT (2.8 7.4) POINT (5.1 7.1) POINT (4.4 4.5) POINT (3 4)
SELECT ST_AsText(geom) from st_dumppoints('select st_geomfromewkt(''GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (2 2), POINT(5 3), POINT (6 5), POLYGON ((3 4, 3.2 6, 2.8 7.4, 5.1 7.1, 4.4 4.5, 3 4)))'') as geom') ; -- Result JASPA.ST_ASTEXT(GEOM) POINT (2 2) POINT (5 3) POINT (6 5) POINT (3 4) POINT (3.2 6) POINT (2.8 7.4) POINT (5.1 7.1) POINT (4.4 4.5) POINT (3 4) (9 filas, 4 ms)
GeomA | ST_DumpPoints(GeomA) |