ST_Dump — Splits Multi-geometries and GeometryCollections into a set of single geometries.
geometry[] ST_Dump(
geometry[] ST_Dump(
Geometry, integer
Splits Multi-geometries and GeometryCollections into a set of single geometries.
The type of geometries to extract can be indicated as an integer. Possible values are 0 for Points, 1 for LineStrings, 2 for Polygons.
The reverse function of ST_Dump is ST_Collect.
GeometryCollections are supported. |
JASPA ST_Dump function returns just an array of geometries. PostGIS ST_Dump function creates an array of geometries with an array of integers (path). |
2D | 3D | M |
OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1 (1999) | OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1.0 (2005) | OGC SFS for SQL. 1.2.0 (2006) | SQL-MM Part 3 |
- | - | - | - |
SELECT st_dump (st_geomfromtext('MULTIPOINT (1 2, 3 4, 5 6)')); st_dump -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \001\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@ \001\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\010@\000\000\000\000\000\000\020@ \001\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\024@\000\000\000\000\000\000\030@ (3 rows) SELECT ST_astext(st_dump (st_geomfromtext('MULTIPOINT (1 2, 3 4, 5 6)'))); st_astext ------------- POINT (1 2) POINT (3 4) POINT (5 6) (3 rows) --4D GeometryCollection SELECT ST_astext(st_dump (st_geomfromtext('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (2 2 1 8), POINT (2 5 1 9), POLYGON ((3 4 4 5, 3.2 6 8 9, 2.8 7.4 7 2, 5.1 7.1 5 8, 4.4 4.5 4 8, 3 4 4 5)))'))); st_astext -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POINT (2 2 1 8) POINT (2 5 1 9) POLYGON ((3 4 4 5, 3.2 6 8 9, 2.8 7.4 7 2, 5.1 7.1 5 8, 4.4 4.5 4 8, 3 4 4 5)) (3 rows)
--Creates a set from points SELECT ST_astext(st_dump ( st_geomfromtext('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (2 2), POINT(5 3), POINT (6 5),POLYGON ((3 4, 3.2 6, 2.8 7.4, 5.1 7.1, 4.4 4.5, 3 4)))') ,0)); --Result st_astext ------------- POINT (2 2) POINT (5 3) POINT (6 5) (3 rows) --Creates a set from polygons SELECT ST_astext(st_dump ( st_geomfromtext('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (2 2), POINT(5 3), POINT (6 5),POLYGON ((3 4, 3.2 6, 2.8 7.4, 5.1 7.1, 4.4 4.5, 3 4)))') ,2)); --Result st_astext -------------------------------------------------------- POLYGON ((3 4, 3.2 6, 2.8 7.4, 5.1 7.1, 4.4 4.5, 3 4)) (1 row)
SELECT * from st_dump ('select st_geomfromewkt(''MULTIPOINT (1 2, 3 4, 5 6)'')'); JASPA.ST_GEOMFROMEWKT('MULTIPOINT (1 2, 3 4, 5 6)') 0101000000000000000000f03f0000000000000040 010100000000000000000008400000000000001040 010100000000000000000014400000000000001840 SELECT ST_AsText(geom) from st_dump ('select st_geomfromewkt(''MULTIPOINT (1 2, 3 4, 5 6)'') as geom'); ST_ASTEXT(GEOM) POINT (1 2) POINT (3 4) POINT (5 6) --4D GeometryCollection SELECT ST_AsText(geom) from st_dump ('select st_geomfromewkt(''GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (2 2 1 8), POINT (2 5 1 9), POLYGON ((3 4 4 5, 3.2 6 8 9, 2.8 7.4 7 2, 5.1 7.1 5 8, 4.4 4.5 4 8, 3 4 4 5)))'') as geom'); ST_ASTEXT(GEOM) POINT (2 2 1 8) POINT (2 5 1 9) POLYGON ((3 4 4 5, 3.2 6 8 9, 2.8 7.4 7 2, 5.1 7.1 5 8, 4.4 4.5 4 8, 3 4 4 5))
--Creates a set from points SELECT ST_AsText(geom) from st_dump ('select st_geomfromewkt(''GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (2 2), POINT(5 3), POINT (6 5), POLYGON ((3 4, 3.2 6, 2.8 7.4, 5.1 7.1, 4.4 4.5, 3 4)))'') as geom',0); --Result JASPA.ST_ASTEXT(GEOM) POINT (2 2) POINT (5 3) POINT (6 5) --Creates a set from polygons SELECT ST_AsText(geom) from st_dump ('select st_geomfromewkt(''GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (2 2), POINT(5 3), POINT (6 5), POLYGON ((3 4, 3.2 6, 2.8 7.4, 5.1 7.1, 4.4 4.5, 3 4)))'')',2); --Result JASPA.ST_ASTEXT(GEOM) POLYGON ((3 4, 3.2 6, 2.8 7.4, 5.1 7.1, 4.4 4.5, 3 4))