ST_MemUnion — Same as ST_Union (aggregate) but memory-friendly (uses less memory and more processor time).
geometry ST_MemUnion(
geometry ST_MemUnionAgg(
Same as ST_Union (aggregate) but memory-friendly (uses less memory and more processor time). It works by unioning the geometries one at a time to previous result as opposed to ST_Union aggregate which first creates an array and then unions
2D | 3D | M |
OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1 (1999) | OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1.0 (2005) | OGC SFS for SQL. 1.2.0 (2006) | SQL-MM Part 3 |
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CREATE TABLE "polygons"(id serial PRIMARY KEY); SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('polygons','GEOM',25830,'POLYGON',2); INSERT INTO "polygons" ("GEOM") VALUES (ST_GeomfromEWKT('SRID=25830;POLYGON ((40 20 10, 40 100 15, 120 100 25, 120 20 30, 40 20 25))')); INSERT INTO "polygons" ("GEOM") VALUES (ST_GeomfromEWKT('SRID=25830;POLYGON ((80 60, 80 130, 170 130, 170 60, 80 60))')); --PostgreSQL SELECT asewkt(ST_MemUnion("polygons"."GEOM")) as union_pol from "polygons"; --H2 SELECT asewkt(ST_MemUnionAgg("polygons"."GEOM")) as union_pol from "polygons"; SELECT DropGeometryTable ('polygons'); --Result UNION_POL SRID=25830;POLYGON ((40 20 10, 40 100 15, 80 100 0, 80 130 0, 170 130 0, 170 60 0, 120 60 0, 120 20 30, 40 20 25))