
ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology — Simplifies a geometry, ensuring that the result is a valid geometry having the same dimension and number of components as the incoming geometries.


varchar ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(bytea Geometry, double Tolerance);




Simplifies a geometry, ensuring that the result is a valid geometry having the same dimension and number of components as the given geometries. The simplification uses a maximum distance difference algorithm similar to the one used in the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. In particular, if the input is an areal geometry ( Polygon or MultiPolygon).

The result has the same number of shells and holes (rings) as the input, in the same order

The result rings touch at no more than the number of touching point in the input (although they may touch at fewer points)


This method supports GeometryCollections

Coordinate Dimensions
Spatial Standards Support
OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1 (1999)OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1.0 (2005)OGC SFS for SQL. 1.2.0 (2006)SQL-MM Part 3


--polygon with holes
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Simplify(geom,4)) as s4, ST_AsText(ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(geom,4)) as preserve4 
 FROM (SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((16 7, 16 36, 47 36, 47 7, 16 7), 
  (24 16, 24 24, 30 24, 30 16, 24 16), (38 27, 38 31, 43 31, 43 27, 38 27), 
  (36 12, 36 19, 43 19, 43 12, 36 12))') As geom) As foo;

POLYGON ((16 7, 16 36, 47 36, 47 7, 16 7), (24 16, 24 24, 30 24, 30 16, 24 16), 
 (36 12, 36 19, 43 19, 43 12, 36 12))

POLYGON ((16 7, 16 36, 47 36, 47 7, 16 7), (24 16, 24 24, 30 24, 30 16, 24 16), 
 (38 27, 38 31, 43 31, 43 27, 38 27), (36 12, 36 19, 43 19, 43 12, 36 12))
ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology (GeomA,4)

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