ST_DWithin — Tests if two geometries are within a specified distance. Returns True if so, otherwise returns False.
boolean ST_DWithin(
bytea GeomA, bytea GeomB, double
Tests if two geometries are within a specified distance. Returns True if so, otherwise returns False. Distance units are those of the geometries.
2D | 3D | M |
OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1 (1999) | OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1.0 (2005) | OGC SFS for SQL. 1.2.0 (2006) | SQL-MM Part 3 |
- | - | - | - |
SELECT ST_Distance(A,B) as distance, ST_DWithin(A,B,5) as within5 , ST_DWithin(A,B,3) within3 FROM (SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((2 2, 2 6, 4 6, 4 2, 2 2))') as A, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON ((7 9, 7 11, 10 11, 10 9, 7 9))') as B ) as foo; --Result distance | within5 | within3 ------------------+---------+--------- 4.24264068711928 | t | f