
ST_SnapToGrid — Snaps a geometry to a grid defined by its cell size and origin.


geometry ST_SnapToGrid(bytea Geometry, double size);

geometry ST_SnapToGrid(bytea Geometry, double sizeX, double sizeY);

geometry ST_SnapToGrid(bytea Geometry, double originX, double originY, double sizeX, double sizeY);

geometry ST_SnapToGrid(bytea Geometry, bytea OriginPoint, double sizeX, double sizeY, double sizeZ, double sizeM);




Snaps a geometry to a grid defined by its cell size and origin. This method has four versions:

  • First version snaps every coordinate by the same grid size.

  • Second version just snaps X and Y coordinates.

  • Third version defines the origin and size of the grid. It just snaps X and Y coordinates.

  • Fourth version defines the origin by a Point. It snaps X,Y,Z and M coordinates.


GeometryCollection supported

Coordinate Dimensions
Spatial Standards Support
OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1 (1999)OGC SFS for SQL. 1.1.0 (2005)OGC SFS for SQL. 1.2.0 (2006)SQL-MM Part 3


SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_GeomFromEWKT('MULTIPOINT (0 0, 1.7 1.2, 0 10)'),0.5));
MULTIPOINT (0 0, 1.5 1, 0 10)

--3D MultiPoint
SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_GeomFromEWKT('MULTIPOINT (0 0 2, 0 10 6)'),5));
MULTIPOINT (0 0 0, 0 10 5)

SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_GeomFromEWKT('MULTIPOINT (0 0 2 2, 0 10 6 8)'),3));
MULTIPOINT (0 0 3 3, 0 9 6 9)

SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING (0 0, 0 1, 0 2, 0 10)'),5));
LINESTRING (0 0, 0 10)

SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_GeomFromEWKT('MULTIPOINT (0 0 2, 1.7 1.2 4, 0 10 4)'),0.5,1));
MULTIPOINT ((0 0 2), (1.5 1 4), (0 10 4))

--ST_SnapToGrid(geom, originX, originY, sizeX,  sizeY)
SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_SnapToGrid(ST_GeomFromEWKT('MULTIPOINT (0 0 2, 1.7 1.2 4, 0 10 4)'), 1,1.4,0.5,1));
MULTIPOINT ((0 0.4 2), (1.5 1.4 4), (0 10.4 4))

--ST_SnapToGrid(geomA, Origin_Point, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ,  sizeM)
		ST_GeomFromEWKT('POINT (0.1111 0.2222 2.5555 3.5555)'), 
		ST_GeomFromEWKT('POINT(1 1 1 1)'), 
POINT (0.1 0.22 2.555 4)

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